Saturday, March 26, 2011

LinkedIn-Implementation Plan

LinkedIn gives Live Life Aloha the opportunity to connect with other organizations and businesses.  This offers Live Life Aloha the benefit of receiving and issuing updates between companies and providing the “human side” of what the organization is about.  The company profile allows the organization to post career openings, profiles of the people behind the organization, products & services, analytics, and key statistics. For a fee LinkedIn also provides the option of being listed in their service provider directory and using LinkedIn Ads for advertising needs. The following are a list of organizations and businesses in Hawaii that Live Life Aloha plans to connect with:

·      Univeristy of Hawaii
·      University of Hawaii at Manoa
·      Hawaii Pacific University
·      Hawaii Pacific Health
·      HMSA
·      State of Hawaii
·      Rehabilitation hospital of the pacific
·      Pacific Quest
·      BYU Hawaii Athletic Training
·      Swim Baby Hawaii LLC
·      Hawaii Health and Wellness Coaching
·      YMCA of Honolulu
·      Five Mountain Fitness Center
·      Benchmark Wellness
·      Team Move
·      Wellness With Aloha
·      Graceful Earth Inc.
·      Recaka Fitness
·      24 hour fitness
·      Nutritionist World

By connecting with different companies and organizations, Live Life Aloha will be able to promote and receive upcoming events, classes, and reviews on products or services.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Logo Ideas

Hey Ya'll! I create some logos using Photoshop. I attempted a plumeria theme that Bevin suggested. Let me know what you think =)

Friday, March 4, 2011


After reading Bob's blog posting on objectives, it got me thinking also whether we are a start-up company or a company that has been established already & just creating new ideas and approaches. Whatever approach we are taking, we need a planned out timeline in order to finish our goals in a timely manner.

Currently we are on week eight and our presentation is during week fifteen, that leaves us with 7 weeks until the deadline, 6 weeks if not counting Spring Break :)  We still have part 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 to work on, so the following is a timeline I came up with:

  • Week 9 3/6 - 3/12:     Part 3 (Consumer Characteristics & Branding Strategy
  • Week 10 3/13 - 3/19: Part 4 (Website Analysis)  -->   **Individual E-Marketing Brief Due
  • Week 11 3/20 - 3/26: Spring Break
  • Week 12 3/27 - 4/2:   Part 5 (Business Model)
  • Week 13 4/3 - 4/9:     Part 6 (E-Marketing Metrics)
  • Week 14 4/10 - 4/16: Part 7 (Conclusion & Outlook)
  • Week 15 4/17 - 4/23: Project Due/Presentation
Obviously some topics can be combined if we want to keep our due dates to a week & a half, like we've been doing. We can do it!!!