Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Logo Ideas

Hey Ya'll! I create some logos using Photoshop. I attempted a plumeria theme that Bevin suggested. Let me know what you think =)


  1. Great Work Brandy....I wish I had more time to mess with it. The items for sale at Cafe Press were made with pre-made logos because I didn't have the creativity or the mind-set to do a custom logo. I like what you've done here. They are all nice and I think I like the green islands with the apple O the very best.

  2. I commented last night, but apparently did not post through - great work! I liked the no. 1 too, but thought the no. 2 is more elegant - it is close to what I had been making only my flower didn't turn out as nice. I will invite the others to jump in on this.
